Wednesday, January 10, 2007

"Where Dog?"

This is a picture of Micah with Buck, the dog at Charlie's school. We visit "dada" at school quite a bit. One day when we visited him for lunch, the dog was there. He was amazed with the dog. It was probably the size of the dog that Micah was most impressed with. It is an old dog, so Buck sits still for Micah to do whatever he wishes. We have been back to the school several times since our first sighting of Buck, but each time he has not been there. And each time Micah has asked about the dog. He would put his hands up and sign where and then say "dog." I was truly amazed by his memory of this dog. Well, we met Charlie for lunch yesterday and Micah finally got to see the dog. One of the teachers took this picture of Micah and sent it to us. I don't know who Micah was most excited about seeing...his dada or the dog????

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