Friday, January 12, 2007

Kid Free Weekend

Well, Charlie and I have a three day weekend here at the house without child. How and why did this all come to be??? Well, there is lots to be done around here to get ready for the new baby in just three short months. We have an entire room to clean out and two rooms to paint. We have got to get really serious about it if everything is going to be ready in time for Micah to get adjusted to his new room and bed before his little world is changed forever. So, with all that my parents offered to take him for the long weekend while we work. Well, the days will be full of work, but the nights will consist of whatever we want to do.

I met my parents halfway today to make the exchange and we will meet them again Monday afternoon to bring him home. I have already called to check on him about three times, but I am really enjoying the fact that I don't have any responsibilities for three days. After almost two years, it is hard to remember what that is like. Micah is doing great and having a ball! He got to eat whatever he wanted for dinner, take a whirlpool bath, play with cars and stay up a little later then usual...and tomorrow he goes to Chuck E. Cheeses. No wonder he is always ready to leave me and go with them!

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