Sunday, January 14, 2007

Step 1

Well, the room is almost done now. Yesterday, Charlie painted our bedroom. Step 1 in the gettting ready for baby process. He decided to have a little fun while doing so and painted his initials on the wall. I did a lot of cleaning out of cabinets and lighter stuff that I can do at this point. I also planned Micah's Wiggle Party. I am not aloud to paint or lift heavy boxes, so that really limits me in how much I can help Charlie with this type stuff. My parents will come up the weekend after next and help put finishing touches on everything. I am so thankful that our parents are always willing and ready to help us out with these big projects. Step 2 is to paint Micah's room, but before that can be done there is still a lot more stuff/furniture that needs to be cleaned out of the room.

We took a break from the work last night and enjoyed our evening by going to a friend's house to eat and play games. We stayed out until after midnight. I think we have almost forgotten what life was like before Micah. It is great to take a weekend every now and then to ourselves, but I think Charlie and I would both agree that we would not have life any other way now. We love and miss him when he is gone.

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