Saturday, January 06, 2007

Sharing and Caring

Charlie and I worked in the office some today. We are trying to get rid of all the clutter in there, because this will soon become Micah's "big boy room." We went to Lowes last night and purchased paint for his room and our bedroom. We have big plans to get lots done in the next month or so, but we will see how that goes. Parents/Grandparents BEWARE...if you come to our house, we might put you to work. I am excited about getting everything cleaned out and ready for the new baby. Hopefully we will have a name for his soon, so that I can start calling him by it.

So, we took an entire van load of stuff to Sharing and Caring (thrift store) today. We also set things aside to sell at the flea market or Ebay. While at Sharing and Caring, I found out that they were having a $3 bag sale. That meant that I could stuff an entire brown grocery sack of anything I wanted for $3. I took advantage of this to look for clothes for Micah and the new baby. I was so excited when I found a pair of Wiggles pajamas just Micah's size! I have been looking and these on Ebay, but they have been too much. I could not believe that I found them at the thrift store! Lucky me, or should I say lucky Micah. I have got to get them washed, so that maybe he can wear them to bed tomorrow night.

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