Thursday, November 09, 2006

Flu Be Gone!!

Last Thursday, Micah got his flu shot. Today, he saw me get mine. He got his at his doctor's office. I had to get mine at the health department. I was shocked by the price of them. It was $25 for one shot! They are making a killing off of those things. But we had to have them, so the price really did not matter. When they called me back to the room, Micah saw the shot sitting on the table and started to cry and run the other way. I assurred him that it was not for him, pulled him onto my lap and let him watch. When I was done, he got a whole sheet of car stickers. What was wrong with that picture...I got the shot, but he got the prize!!!!????? Well, at any rate maybe we will both miss the nasty flu bug this year.

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