Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It has been almost a month from the start of this sickness, but everyone seems to be on the mend now. Noah is over the RSV. Praise the Lord! I do suspect that he has another ear infection though, so I will have to watch that. He has just turned 11 months old. That is hard to believe. Next month, we will celebrate his 1st birthday. I am going to miss him being my baby. Lord willing, I do get to look forward to adopting a precious baby girl. Just a quick update with that....we are still on the waiting list and trusting the Lord for the right timing. We know that there will be ups and downs in the process, as we have already seen them. But it is all in God's Hand and in His perfect timing.

Now to update on my sweet 3-year-old. He is my big helper around the house. He likes to set the table, entertain Noah and his newest skill is attempting to change Noah's diaper. It is so cute watching him interact with Noah. He is such a great big brother and sensitive to Noah's needs. As far has Micah's development goes, he is now receiving therapy 3 times a week for speech. We are seeing progress, but it is just slow. We both get discouraged at times, because it takes time and practice to see success. And he will succeed under such circumstances.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Aww I know what you mean about not being your little baby anymore. It's so sad! Anna is 13 and a half months now and doesn't want me to hold her anymore :( It ALMOST makes me want to have another one :)