Monday, May 14, 2007

What a Night!!!

You will never believe the afternoon and evening that we have had. This is blog material for sure. I am going to try and make a long story short, so here are the basics. At preschool today, Micah and a boy a bit bigger than him collided on the slide. The boy ran into Micah and sent him rolling several feet. The teacher did not know that Micah was hurt until she noticed blood on his shirt when he lifted his head from her shoulder. When he came in his face was covered in dirt. I asked what happened and they told me about the collision and said that he must of busted his lip. I did not even see one scratch on him, so I figured he was okay, gave him and hug and went back to work. Well, when he got up from his 2 1/2 hour nap this afternoon, he was complaining about his mouth hurting. I looked in it and still did not see the problem. About 30 minutes later, I hear him crying and calling for me. He had spit up on his hand and shirt what appeared to be blood. He did the same thing again about 10 minutes later. About this time Charlie came home and we had both decided that he had swallowed some blood and was coughing it back up. Well, that was only the beginning. I had just gotten finished feeding Noah and Micah was helping me burp him when all of a sudden he projectile vomited on all of us. It was disgusting!!! He got me, Noah, the couch, the floor and himself. Charlie rushed him to the tub and I cleaned up everything else and started a load of clothes. He wasn't out of the bathroom but about 15 minutes when he did it again. Back to the tub he went. After that, we found out what is causing the throwing up. He has sliced his tongue in two places and it looks really bad. He is swallowing blood from that and it is making him sick at his stomach. We put him to bed about 7:30. I got Noah down at 8:30 when I heard Micah calling for me. He had thrown up all in his bed. Charlie put him in the tub for the 3rd time and I changed the sheets on the bed. He is one sick boy right now. Since getting up, he has tried throwing up several times, but has nothing left in his stomach. I have not seen him this sick since he was in the hospital at 5 months hold. We are both worried about him. So, he is sleeping in the bed with Charlie for the night and I am on the couch with Noah in the bassinet next to me. I don't think either of us will get much rest tonight. This is only the second time he has slept in our bed. The first time was when he was 6 months old and had a really high fever. Well, I best close and wake Noah to feed him before I settle in for the night or I hope at least 4 straight hours of sleep.

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