Saturday, February 24, 2007

Only in Pictures...

The weirdest thing happened to me in the early hours of the morning. It was some what of a restless night. I am having those often these days. I was up either from having had a recent visit to the bathroom or having heard Micah over the monitor. You will never believe what happened next. I have only seen this kind of thing in pictures and have doubted that events like these ever even happen. The baby was up, moving around and the next thing I know he jabs his little wrist out so far that I am able to grab it between my thumb and index finger. It is hard to describe that experience in words. I was holding my unborn babies hand. Simply amazing!!! I know that it was his hand, from what the doctor told me about his positioning yesterday. It was so tiny, only about two inches or so in width. I was so stunned! I gripped onto it for a second and then rub it down and coaxed him back to sleep. It was one of those things that will probably never happen again, but will be what I remember for years to come when I am reminded of this pregnancy.

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