Friday, February 09, 2007

The Date is Set!

I went to the OB today. When I got there, I was running a fever. I have had a sinus infection now for 2 weeks and did not sleep very much last night. The baby has also been moving less this week and the doctor said it was because I have been sick and trying to fight off infection. So, bless his heart, he is feeling a little under the weather as well. I hope that is all that it is. They have put me on an antibiotic to once and for all clear this infection up and get me and baby feeling better.

We also scheduled my C-Section today. If the baby waits that long, then his birthday is going to be April 16th. It is not the best of timing for several reasons. That is the week of the CRCT at school and Charlie is expected to be in the classroom, unless he is dying or witnessing the birth of his new baby. My mom has payroll at work that week and she is the only one in the office that can cut checks. And then there is the problem as to what to do with Micah when we are in the hospital for 3 or 4 days. We have about nine weeks to figure these things out, so I will not stress now. I do like the date though...April 16th. My birthday is May 16th, so that will be easy to remember.

Besides the infection, everything else is going good. The baby is growing. The doctor said that every bit of me is baby and I know that's a fact when I feel him in my ribs and bladder at the same time.

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