Saturday, July 05, 2008

I would have two more children if.....

my labors were as easy as my sister-n-laws!!!! Some things in life are just not fair. My sister-n-law, Kiley gave birth to her little girl last night. I was there the entire time and got a bird's eye view of the delivery. It was incredible! That type thing it so interesting to me, I knew that I should have been a nurse. The craziest part was that she pushed two times and that little girl came sliding out. I was amazed! I pushed for an hour with Micah and he still needed assistance making his way into the world. I envy women that have easy pregnancies and deliveries. In my dream world, my pregnancies would have been perfect, my deliveries would have been quick and natural and I would have had 3 or more natural children. My body has not been built for such and so two is enough for me. Seeing that little baby girl made me have thoughts of having another one, but those were short lived when I thought about having to get up several times each night.


Sarah said...

Tori, just be thankful for the 2 beautiful boys you have. Just think of the women who can't have any children at all. We all wish at one time or another that we could be like someone else or have what they have. I wish we had a bigger house:) Hey, you can even say you worked harder during labor with Micah than I did with Wesley b/c you probably did:)
When is a good time to call you by the way?

Tori said...

Best time is probably in the evenings after the boys go to bed.