Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I took Noah to his first Physical Therapy visit last week. I know I have not posted about this, but thought that I should. This blog started out as a place to post updates on Micah's progress. Well, I guess Noah is wanting a little of the spot light now. Noah is over 15 months old and is still not walking. His feet turn out when he cruises. His left one is at a 90 degree angle from the rest of his body. When I took him for his 15 month check-up the doctor was concerned about it and said that she believed the problem was coming from his hip. She made an appointment for him to start Physical Therapy. I begin to research hip problems in toddlers and was starting to get a little anxious about what I was reading. If it truly were a hip problem, we might be looking at a full body cast for months and possibly even surgery.

The Physical Therapist said that she thinks his problem might just be in his ankles. Both ankles were super flexible, more like that of an infant. This means that his muscles are weak. This is something that years ago would have called for the big bulky braces, but she just asked that we get him some special high top walking shoes that he can't get off and that will give his ankles support. Saturday, we took a trip down the Buford to get his shoes from Stride Rite. I spent $50 on his shoes! I don't even spend $50 on my shoes, but I will take spending that any day over a full body cast. He has not made much progress with the shoes yet, but the next few weeks should tell if his ankles are truly the problem. Please pray for little Noah that this be a simple fix.

1 comment:

MB Shaw said...

I had to wear those big leg braces when I was a baby! Hopefully the shoes will work and that will be that. Praying for you!