Monday, June 30, 2008

Where Has the Summer Gone

We have been so busy this summer that it has just seemed to have flown by. We are in the process of getting putting our house on the market. We have been doing home improvements and cleaning every spare minute. We are looking to find our bigger house while it is the time to buy and the interest rates are low. We should have it ready in just a few days. Please pray for us!

On top of all that we have been still fighting different sicknesses. The week of VBS we had a weird virus in the form of a severe headache. Right after VBS, we all caught a bad cold. We are now just getting over that.

I took Micah back to the Urologist last week. Everything was fine with his ultrasound...Praise the Lord. He is just experiencing some symptoms that should subside as his body grows and matures. I am currently being treated for a pinched nerve in my neck. The last several months it has been very painful, but is doing much better with current treatment.

Noah has become our little comedian. He loves life and enjoys getting everyone to laugh at him. He will be 15 months old this weekend and is still exploring his world on all fours...Talking about a late walker!!!!

We went to the Atlanta Zoo last week with our church group. Micah loved hanging out with the older children.

I have done some research on water slides. I really wanted to buy one to have here at the house and then use at preschool, church, socials, etc. I purchased one online and got a great deal. Here is a picture of Micah and his friends having fun in our backyard.

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