Monday, August 28, 2006

18 Months!

I took Micah to the doctor today for his 18 month check-up. It was not a very pleasant experience at all. Micah's doctor that has treated him since he was born, is taking some time off with her soon to be newborn baby. Micah had to see someone different and that really messed him up. I have never seen him so hysterical! I think I will dread taking him to the doctor now.

The doctor confirmed that he believes Micah has Asthma. He gave us a breathing machine to try for a while. Hopefully this will do the trick and control his night time coughing, congestion and wheezing. His coughing has been better over the last several days, so maybe he has just a mild case of Asthma.

He is now 26 lbs, 33 inches and his head is measuring at 53 cm. His head is still above the 98 percentile, but he has to have room for all those brains!

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