Saturday, June 02, 2007

2 Months Old!

Sweet Baby Feet!

My Favorite Picture!

I Love to Smile at Mama!

Noah will be two months old next week. He can lift his chest off the floor when lying on his belly, smile and chuckle. Where has the time gone? Time has flown by, because things have been so busy. Some days are better then others. There are the days that Noah sticks right to his schedule, sleeps well at night and Micah loves his little brother and does everything to be a help and not a hinderance. And then there are days when they both cry at the same time, Micah decides that he is a baby again and demands just as much of my attention as his newborn baby brother. It is challenging having two children so close together. They are still both very needy and consume all of my time. But, I believe the hard times will pay off when they are close and enjoy playing together and keeping each other company. I don't want to rush the time by. I love them both just the way they are and enjoy staying home with them more then anything. But I know that the time will soon come when they don't need mama as much anymore and will want to spend most of their time with dada. That day will be happy and sad. Happy in that, I will have more "me" time...sad in that, I love them more then anything (besides their daddy) and always want them to feel the same for me.


Nancy White Kelly said...

I love the pictures. My, how Noah has changed already.

Meme said...

Noah is growing and changing so fast. He looks like his Daddy and Micah looks like his Mommy. They are so precious and I love them both bunches.