Monday, April 10, 2006

From Camping to Egg Hunts

We had a rather busy weekend. We met my parents in Rutledge at Hard Labor Creek State Park to camp. We knew that there would be a big storm coming through, but we were adventurous and went anyway. We were in the area just below Atlanta that missed the "bad" storm. We just received rain that lasted until around noon on Saturday. We were still able to do the outdoor things that we wanted like hiking and fishing. Micah had a great time playing outside. It was fun to sit back and watch him explore. His favorite thing to play with were the rocks...he's all boy!

We came home, unloaded and then headed to the church for Micah's first Easter Egg Hunt! I enjoyed watching all the toddlers hunt eggs. Micah would find an egg and then want to sit down and play with that one. He took his sweet little time with each egg, so by the time all the eggs were found, Micah had four in his basket. He even took time to find his buddy Tate and they decided to share their eggs with each other.

The pictures of our weekend are posted below.

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