Thursday, February 28, 2008

Will This Sickness Ever End?????

Well, it has been a week since my last post and myself and the boys are still sick. Just when you think things are getting better, they make a turn for the worse. Noah has had a cold now for about 10 days. I heard Noah wheezing last night, so I took him to the doctor this morning to find out that he has RSV. He is a pretty sick little guy right now. He also has an ear infection. He is going to have to have breathing treatments every 4 hours for about a week. Thankfully we caught it before it got too bad, so that he did not experience any severe respiratory symptoms. These are pictures of him doing his first breating treatment at home. It is pretty high-tech! The machine is a bear and he gets to receive the treatment while sucking on a special pacifier.


David and Joanna said...

You guys always get the cool take home medical instruments. It is like Micah in the glow worm suit for jaundice.

Sarah said...

I know its hard having a sick child or children, especially when you're sick too. I'll be praying for ya'll.

Debbie said...

At least he looks like he is tolerating the treatments! Hope you are all better soon!