Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another Reason Why God Created Women...

This is the outfit that Noah was wearing Sunday morning after having spent the entire weekend with dada. He had on Micah's Spiderman top and Micah's bug pajama bottoms, which were both 2T. When Charlie got up, I asked him about the outfit and he said, "I could not find Noah's pajamas." What???? Noah has been with us for 4 months now and Charlie does not know where his pajamas are!!!

It gave me a good laugh though and a picture to help me remember that God created moms, because he knew that daddys would need a little help.


Amanda said...

LOL!! That is totally something that my husband would do too! That's too funny! :)

Charlie said...

I still don't see what the big deal is. That matches, doesn't it?